What Is Schema Markup [and Why Is It Important For SEO]

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What Is Schema Markup [and Why Is It Important For SEO]

Schema markup can assist your website to obtain more hits from visibility if you’re searching for a technique to drive more visitors via search. We’ll go through the basics of schema markup and why it’s important for SEO in this article.

What is schema markup, and how does it work?

Schema markup is a type of code (also known as a semantic vocabulary or microdata) that you may include in your website’s HTML. This microdata aids search engines in better comprehending your material, allowing them to provide more detailed and useful results to users.

Schema markup produces a more descriptive description for your page, known as a “rich snippet,” that displays on the search engine results page once it is uploaded to your website (SERP). In a later part, we’ll go over rich snippets in further depth.

Many various search engines, including Google, Bing, Yandex, and Yahoo, have collaborated on Schema.org.

How does schema markup function with structured data?

To make it easier for search engines to organise and index your material, structured data entails matching names and values. Microdata is a type of structured data that is compatible with HTML5, the most widely used markup language. Schema.org, or schema markup, provides a set of microdata tag specifications that are widely accepted. 

The most common application of schema markup is to add information about values in these categories:

  • Innovative work
  • Event
  • An entity associated with medicine
  • Organization
  • Person
  • Place

The full hierarchy of values and items that can be marked up with schema tags can be found at Schema.org.

Schema markup structured data, in layman’s words, tells Google and other search engines what a webpage’s content is about. In turn, Google can use this information to display the most relevant results to searchers.

Video content 

Video content with structured data can provide more information to search engines. With AMP (accelerated mobile sites), you can offer search engines with video descriptions, upload date, thumbnail URLs, and duration for videos and even top stories carousels.

Ecommerce website 

Product schema can be used by eCommerce websites to improve visibility by highlighting distinguishing elements such as product name, brands, descriptions, reviews, product photos, price, and availability. This increases the visibility of a clear image of a product within the SERPs. 

What effect does schema markup have on SEO?

When you employ schema markup, Google can quickly comprehend Snippets of information

Rich snippet 

Between the URL and the meta description, a rich snippet is a Google search result that displays additional information. Recipes, reviews, and events frequently include rich bits.

d the content of your webpage. As a result, your website will receive a rich snippet and may become a Knowledge Graph item.

The structured data in a page’s HTML is frequently used to populate rich snippets. When you use schema markup to provide structured data to your webpage, Google is more likely to display rich snippets in search results. 

Because rich snippets are more fascinating and engaging than standard search results, providing Google with the information it needs to build one can help your site gain visibility and organic search hits.

Graph of Knowledge

Schema markup is also one of the most important sources of data for Google’s Knowledge Graph, which is a database of entities and their relationships. The Knowledge Graph aids Google in better comprehending users’ search queries, allowing them to deliver more relevant results.

One of the most major advantages of being a part of Google’s Knowledge Graph is that when people search about your brand, they will see a knowledge panel.

Knowledge panels are information bubbles that display on Google when you search for entities (people, places, organisations, and objects) in the Knowledge Graph, according to Google. They’re designed to give you a short glimpse of information on a topic based on Google’s understanding of the web’s available content.

Knowledge panels are an excellent approach to get all of your brand’s pertinent information in front of people who are actively looking for it.

While there is no solid proof that using schema markup improves your results, structured data can help your content and brand get more attention.

Google will discover that people who search for a relevant question or your brand name prefer to click on your site over others as more people click on it — whether via a rich snippet or a knowledge panel. This informs Google that your page is a relevant result for that particular search, increasing your brand’s overall visibility. 

What is the best way to use schema markup?

Many SEOs are intimidated by schema markup since it is so code-heavy, but there’s no need to worry. Once you’ve grasped the fundamentals, it’s quite simple to comprehend.

So, let’s look at how to use schema markup on your website:

  • Produce the markup
  • First, test your code.
  • Install the code on your site.

1. Produce the markup

It’s feasible to write schema markup yourself, but it’s not always necessary. If you’re using WordPress, there are a plethora of plugins available to help you out. If not, there are a plethora of markup generators available. Merkle’s and the Schema Builder extension are my favourites, but there are many others. Keep in mind that most of these generators only provide the most basic markup. You’ll have to change the code yourself if you want to go beyond that.

Google recommends the JSON-LD format, which is used in all of the code samples below. It’s also the simplest to comprehend and implement.

However, because CMSs and their plugins regularly employ Microdata, you’ll come across it on a regular basis. RDFa, an extension to HTML5, is the only other appropriate format, but I’ve never seen it in operation.

2. Testing your code first

You should always test your markup before submitting it to production unless you’re using a CMS or plugin with a user interface. Google has created two simple testing tools to help with this.

There is a tool for assessing structured data in general. This is still functional as of this writing (August 2020), although it will be phased off in the near future.

The rich results test tool has become the new standard. It focuses on rich outcomes, as the name implies, and ignores the vast bulk of the schema.org vocabulary. It won’t show you the schema tree if you’re testing a code snippet or a page without HTML that triggers rich snippets. If you misuse schema types or properties, the rich results test tool won’t show you any issues.

As a result, it is recommended to evaluate your markup in both tools while you still have the opportunity. 

3. Add the code to your webpage.

Depending on your website and tagging system, this step will be different. As I previously stated, JSON-LD is the recommended schema format in this case.

We’ll go over these three methods of implementation:

  1. Directly into the HTML
  2. Google Tag Manager is a tool for managing tags.
  3. Using a content management system (CMS) with plugins
  • Directly into the HTML

The JSON-LD schema is written as a script that you may include in your HTML’s head or body tags.

If you’re not the webmaster, speak with your developers about how to delegate this duty to them. This will most likely entail mapping URLs or their categories to various schemas, as well as identifying static and dynamic variables (think brand vs. price for product schema).

  • Google Tag Manager is a tool for managing tags.

For a long time, many believed that using GTM to deploy schema markup wasn’t a good idea because Googlebot has to display JavaScript in order to access it. GTM implementation, on the other hand, was recently added to Google’s list of officially authorized choices.

This is especially beneficial for marketers that are familiar with GTM. It’s a great workaround for firms when getting SEO adjustments applied by the development team takes a long time.

Only if you’re already utilizing GTM to manage your marketing technology stack can I propose this strategy. Simply put the produced schema as a custom HTML tag and assign the trigger to a specified page or pages based on a page view.

  • Using a content management system (CMS) with plugins

This is the most prevalent and user-friendly schema markup deployment method. However, because of the variety of CMS and plugins available, it can also be the most perplexing.

There isn’t a CMS or plugin that can accomplish everything for you. You’ll have to combine the available options if you need a more complex schema markup. This may entail modifying your themes and templates, as well as directly inserting the code on a page or using GTM.


Schema markup appears to be more frightening than it is. Most websites can easily and rapidly mark up their content.

Marking up your sites not only helps you stand out in the SERPs with rich snippets, but it also helps to connect the web. And, as a pleasant byproduct, your brand is frequently included in the Knowledge Graph, which has a slew of other advantages.

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